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"A Great Pathway to a Lifetime of Learning"
Call Us: 09 -4437378 
Aranui's Brand Identity & Core Values
"We care, we empower, we succeed"
​​To empower our children with the necessary skills to reach their fullest potential and contribute to society in a positive and meaningful manner
To instill the right foundations and prepare our children for the future through a nurturing and stimulating environment that enhances each child’s intellectual and emotional gifts, leading to responsible, compassionate citizens.
We believe every child is unique and must be treated as such, so that they feel empowered to fulfill their potential and reap any and every success ahead of them
Education &
Life-long Learning
We believe the Montessori Method is the best educational model to achieve our learning goals. We value a thoughtful and well-prepared learning environment that is both purposeful and peaceful. A stimulating and nurturing environment should provide students with success and joy to become lifelong learners. We expect our teachers and leaders to be lifelong learners who share knowledge with and learn from our students, partners, and fellow employees
Core Values
Each person—student, teacher, leader, Board member, parent, and volunteer—who joins the Aranui family belongs to a diverse group of students and adults that respects the child and each member of our community. Each person is expected to take responsibility for himself or herself and the group to contribute to its success.
We are honest and direct and we make every effort to do the right thing. Our community exists to serve children. We continually ask how we may better serve each child. The integrity of our decisions is based on the best interests of our students
We respect our children and one another as members of the community. We value the uniqueness of each member of our community and recognize every person will have special needs at different times. Understanding a situation and responding require compassion and we will give it. We are human beings and we treat one another with kindness and dignity.
We strive to attain high standards of performance in everything we do to develop the maximum potential of every child and employee. The individual student is empowered to be a self-motivated, self-disciplined, and independent learner. Our employees are talented people who are giving their best and we work together to create an environment where others can do their best as well. We continually seek ways to improve.
An Aranui child is Confident, Content, Communicative and Curious, fully equipped to excel in life
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